GIGABYTE M32UC Monitor – Manuale d'uso in formato pdf, leggete online gratis. Ci auguriamo che vi aiuterà a risolvere eventuali problemi che potreste riscontrare durante l'utilizzo della vostra attrezzatura.
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WEEE Symbol Statement
The symbol shown below is on the product or on its
packaging, which indicates that this product must not be
disposed of with other waste. Instead, the device should be
taken to the waste collection centers for activation of the
treatment, collection, recycling and disposal procedure.
For more information about where you can drop off your waste
equipment for recycling, please contact your local government office,
your household waste disposal service or where you purchased the
product for details of environmentally safe recycling.
End of Life Directives-Recycling
The symbol shown below is on the product or on its
packaging, which indicates that this product must not be
disposed of with other waste. Instead, the device should be
taken to the waste collection centers for activation of the
treatment, collection, recycling and disposal procedure.
Déclaration de Conformité aux Directives de l’Union
européenne (UE)
Cet appareil portant la marque CE est conforme aux directives de l’UE
suivantes: directive Compatibilité Electromagnétique 2014/30/UE,
directive Basse Tension 2014/35/UE, directive 2009/125/CE en matière
d’écoconception, la directive RoHS II 2011/65/UE & la déclaration
2015/863. La conformité à ces directives est évaluée sur la base des
normes européennes harmonisées applicables.
European Union (EU) CE-Konformitätserklärung
Dieses Produkte mit CE-Kennzeichnung erfüllen folgenden EU-
Richtlinien: EMV-Richtlinie 2014/30/EU, Niederspannungsrichtlinie
2014/30/EU, Ökodesign-Richtlinie 2009/125/EC, RoHS-Richtlinie
2011/65/EU erfüllt und die 2015/863 Erklärung. Die Konformität
mit diesen Richtlinien wird unter Verwendung der entsprechenden
Standards zur Europäischen Normierung beurteilt.
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